OpenAFS Installation on Debian/Ubuntu/Devuan

First published — May 20, 2008
Last updated — Aug 07, 2023
#infrastructure #afs #tutorial

OpenAFS – global, distributed, network filesystem from CMU. Practical installation. “Where ever you go, there you are”.

Article Collection

This article is part of the following series:

1. Infrastructure

Table of Contents


The purpose of this article is to give you a straightforward, Debian/Ubuntu/Devuan-friendly way of installing and configuring OpenAFS version 1.8, 1.6, or 1.4.

By the end of this guide, you will have a functional OpenAFS installation that will complete the solution for a secure, centralized network logins with shared home directories.

AFS distributed filesystem is a service that has been traditionally captivating system administrators' and advanced users' interest, but its high entry barrier and infrastructure requirements have been preventing many from using it.

AFS has already been the topic of numerous publications. Here, we will present only the necessary summary; enough information to establish the context and achieve practical results.

You do not need to follow any external links; however, the links have been provided both throughout the article and listed all together at the end, to serve as pointers to more precise technical treatment of individual topics.

AFS was started at the Carnegie Mellon University in the early 1980s, in order to easily share file data between people and departments. The system became known as the Andrew File System, or AFS, in recognition of Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon, the primary benefactors of CMU. Later, AFS was supported and developed as a product by Transarc Corporation (now IBM Pittsburgh Labs). IBM branched the source of the AFS product, and made a copy of the source available for community development and maintenance. They called the release OpenAFS, which is practically the only "variant" of AFS used today for new installations.

The amount of important information related to AFS is magnitudes larger than that of, say, Kerberos or LDAP. It isn't possible to write a practical OpenAFS guide without skipping some of the important concepts of AFS and taking shortcuts in reaching the final objective. However, this will be compensated by introducing you to the whole idea of OpenAFS, helping you achieve practical results quickly, and setting you underway to further expanding your OpenAFS knowledge using other qualified resources.

AFS relies on Kerberos for authentication. A working Kerberos environment is a necessary prerequisite, and the instructions on setting it up can be found in another article from the series, the MIT Kerberos 5 guide. Using LDAP is optional, and covered in this guide. If you do not want to use LDAP in your setup, simply ignore LDAP-specific parts.

Furthermore, in a centralized network login solution, user metadata (Unix user and group IDs, GECOS information, home directories, preferred shells, etc.) needs to be shared in a network-aware way as well. This metadata can be served using LDAP or libnss-afs. In general, LDAP is standalone and flexible, and covered in another article from the series, the OpenLDAP guide. libnss-afs is simpler, depends on AFS, and is covered in this guide.

The role of AFS within a network

AFS' primary purpose is to serve files over the network in a robust, efficient, reliable, and fault-tolerant way. Its secondary purpose may be to serve user meta information through libnss-afs, unless you choose OpenLDAP for the purpose as explained in another article from the series, the OpenLDAP guide.

While the idea of a distributed file system is not unique, let's quickly identify some of the AFS specifics:

  • AFS offers a client-server architecture for transparent file access in a common namespace (/afs/) anywhere on the network. This principle has been nicely illustrated by one of the early AFS slogans "Where ever you go, there you are!".

  • AFS uses Kerberos 5 as an authentication mechanism, while authorization is handled by OpenAFS itself. In AFS, apart from any specific permissions, all unauthenticated users implicitly get the privilege of "system:anyuser" group, and all authenticated users implicitly get the privilege of "system:authuser" group.

  • Users’ AFS identity is not in any way related to traditional system usernames or other data; AFS Protection Database (PTS) is a stand-alone database of AFS usernames and groups. However, since Kerberos 5 is used as an authentication mechanism, provision is made to automatically "map" Kerberos principal names onto PTS entries.

  • AFS does not "export" existing data partitions to the network in a way that say, NFS does. Instead, AFS requires partitions to be dedicated to AFS. These partitions are formatted like standard Unix partitions (e.g. using Ext4 filesystem). Individual files on them do correspond to the individual files later visible in the AFS space, however the file and directory names are managed by AFS — they are not recognizable if looked at directly, without mounting the data volumes via an AFS client. These files are therefore not too useful when examined "raw" on the AFS fileservers' partitions -- they must be viewed through AFS clients for the metadata to make sense.

  • On AFS partitions, one creates "volumes" which represent basic client-accessible units to hold files and directories. These volumes and volume quotas are "virtual" entities existing inside AFS -- they do not affect physical disk partitions.

  • As mentioned, AFS volumes reside on AFS server partitions. Each AFS server can have up to 256 partitions of arbitrary size and unlimited number of volumes on them. A volume cannot span multiple partitions — the size of the partition implies the maximum data size (and/or single file size) contained in any of its volumes. (If AFS partitions composed of multiple physical partitions are a requirement, Logical Volume Manager or other OS-level functionality can be used to construct such partitions.)

  • To become conveniently accessible, AFS volumes are usually "mounted" somewhere under the AFS namespace (/afs/). These "mounts" are again handled internally in AFS — they do not correspond to Unix mount points and they are not affected by client or server reboots. The only Unix mount point defined in AFS is one for the /afs/ directory itself.

  • AFS supports a far more elaborate permissions (AFS ACLs) than the traditional Unix "rwx" modes. These ACLs are set on directories (instead of individual files) and apply to all contained files, even though an option for file-based permissions can be enabled if explicitly desired. Each directory can hold up to 20 ACL entries. The ACLs may refer to users and groups, and even "supergroups" (groups within groups) to a maximum depth of 5. IP-based ACLs are available as well, for the rare cases where you might have to restrict access by IP addresses specifically; they work on the principle of adding IPs to groups, and then using group names in ACL rules. Newly-created directories automatically copy ACLs from their parent directory, and can then be managed independently.

  • AFS is (or "was"), available for a broad range of architectures and software platforms. There were up-to-date AFS releases for all Linux platforms, BSD, Microsoft Windows, IBM AIX, HP/UX, SGI IRIX, MacOS X and Sun Solaris. Today, active platforms are GNU/Linux, BSD, MS Windows, OS X, and recently again IBM AIX.

  • OpenAFS comes in two main releases, 1.7.x and 1.8.x. The 1.7 "maintenance" release is the recommended production version for MS Windows. The 1.8 "maintenance" release is the recommended production version for Linux, UNIX, and OS X. The client versions are completely interoperable and you can freely mix clients of all versions and generations.

You can find the complete AFS documentation at the OpenAFS website. After grasping the basic concepts, your most helpful resources will be quick help options supported in all commands, such as in fs help, vos help, pts help or bos help and the UNIX manpages. The OpenAFS website and documentation may seem out of date at first, but they do contain all the information you need.

AFS is enterprise-grade and mature. Books about AFS written 10 or 15 years ago are still authoritative today as far as user-facing side and even protocol compatibility is concerned. But internally there have been many significant improvements made in OpenAFS so the descriptions of internals have changed a lot. The famous, thorough book on AFS titled “Managing AFS”, written by Richard Campbell and published in 1998, has been made available online in 2020 at If interested, turn to this book at a later time, after you get familiar with the current version of OpenAFS.

Glue layer: integrating AFS with system software


On all GNU/Linux-based platforms, Linux-PAM is available for service-specific authentication configuration. Linux-PAM is an implementation of PAM ("Pluggable Authentication Modules") from Sun Microsystems.

Network services, instead of having hard-coded authentication interfaces and decision methods, invoke PAM through a standard, pre-defined interface. It is then up to PAM to perform any and all authentication-related work, and report the result back to the application.

Exactly how PAM reaches the decision is none of the service's business. In traditional set-ups, that is most often done by asking and verifying usernames and passwords. In advanced networks, that could be Kerberos tickets and AFS tokens.

PAM will allow for inclusion of OpenAFS into the authentication path of all services. After typing in your password, it will be possible to verify the password against the Kerberos database and automatically obtain the Kerberos ticket and AFS token, without having to run kinit and aklog manually.

You can find the proper introduction (and complete documentation) on the Linux-PAM website. Pay special attention to the PAM Configuration File Syntax page. Also take a look at the Linux-PAM(7){.citerefentry} and pam(7){.citerefentry} manual pages.


Let's agree on a couple points before going down to work:

  • Our platform of choice, where we will demonstrate a practical setup, will be Debian GNU. The setup will also work on Ubuntu and Devuan GNU+Linux, and if any notable differences exist they will be mentioned.

  • Please run dpkg -l sudo to verify you have the package sudo installed.

    Sudo is a program that will allow you to carry out system administrator tasks from your normal user account. All the examples in this article requiring root privileges use sudo, so you will be able to copy-paste them to your shell.

    To install sudo if missing, run:

    su -c 'apt install sudo'

    If asked for a password, type in the root user's password.

    To configure sudo, run the following, replacing USERNAME with your login name:

    su -c 'echo "USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers'
  • Debian packages installed during the procedure will ask us a series of questions through the so-called debconf interface. To configure debconf to a known state, run:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf

    When asked, answer interface=Dialog and priority=low.

  • Monitoring log files is crucial in detecting problems. The straightforward, catch-all routine to this is opening a terminal and running:

    cd /var/log; sudo tail -F daemon.log sulog user.log auth.log debug kern.log syslog dmesg messages \
      kerberos/{krb5kdc,kadmin,krb5lib}.log openafs/{Bos,File,Pt,Salvage,VL,Volser}Log

    The command will keep printing log messages to the screen as they arrive.

  • For maximum convenience, the installation and configuration procedure we will show will set everything up on a single machine. It means that the Kerberos server, LDAP server, and AFS server will be on the same machine with an IP address of You should use your own machine's network address in this place.

    To differentiate between client and server roles, the connecting client will be named and the servers will be named,, and You can reuse these names, or even better replace them with your appropriate/existing hostnames.

    The following addition will be made to /etc/hosts to completely support this single-host installation scheme. client krb1 ldap1 afs1

    ::: caution Note that in some installations the system's network hostname is assigned to the localhost address This will cause problems for network operations.

    Make sure that your /etc/hosts looks exactly like this, except for the actual network IP and hostnames:  localhost
    ::1        localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    ff02::1    ip6-allnodes
    ff02::2    ip6-allrouters client krb1 ldap1 afs1


    The name of your host (“client” in this example) should not appear anywhere else other than in the last line shown.

    Finally, test that the network setup works as expected. Pinging the hostnames should report proper FQDNs and IPs as shown:

    ping -c1 localhost
    PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    ping -c1 client
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    ping -c1 afs1
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

OpenAFS installation

The only meaningful way to access data in AFS is through an AFS client. That means you will need the OpenAFS client installed on at least all AFS client systems, and possibly AFS servers too. There are two clients available — the one from OpenAFS with a separate kernel module, and libkafs which already exists in the Linux kernel. We will show the OpenAFS native client.

OpenAFS kernel module

Building the OpenAFS kernel module today is very simple. There are basically two methods available: the module-assistant (older) and DKMS (newer). Both of them offer an extremely simple and elegant way to not have to deal with any of the complexities behind the scenes.

OpenAFS kernel module with DKMS

DKMS is a framework for generating Linux kernel modules. It can rebuild modules automatically as the new kernel version is installed. This mechanism was invented for Linux by the Dell Linux Engineering Team back in 2003, and has since seen widespread use.

To get the OpenAFS module going with DKMS, here's what you do:

sudo apt-get install openafs-modules-dkms

It's that easy, and you're done. What's best, this method is maintenance-free — provided that there are no compile-time errors, the OpenAFS module will be automatically compiled when needed for all kernel versions you happen to be running, be it upgrades or downgrades.

OpenAFS kernel module with module-assistant

To get it going with module-assistant, here's what you do:

sudo apt-get install module-assistant
sudo m-a prepare openafs
sudo m-a a-i openafs

Similarly as for the DKMS approach, you're already done. Although, with just one difference: module-assistant does not provide support for rebuilding the kernel module automatically on kernel change, so you'll need to manually run sudo m-a a-i openafs every time you boot into a new kernel version.

OpenAFS client

After the kernel module is installed, we can proceed with installing the OpenAFS client:

sudo apt-get install openafs-{client,krb5}

Debconf answers for reference:

AFS cell this workstation belongs to:
# (Your domain name in lowercase, matching the Kerberos realm in uppercase)

Size of AFS cache in kB? 4000000
# (Default value is 50000 for 50 MB, but you can greatly increase the
# size on modern systems to a few gigabytes, with 20000000 (20 GB) being
# the upper reasonable limit. The example above uses 4 GB)

Run Openafs client now and at boot? No
# (It is important to say NO at this point, or the client will try to 
# start without the servers in place for the cell it belongs to!)

Look up AFS cells in DNS? Yes

Encrypt authenticated traffic with AFS fileserver? No
# (Choose no for local and trusted-connection clients, and enable
# it on clients using remote/insecure channels)

Dynamically generate the contents of /afs? Yes

Use fakestat to avoid hangs when listing /afs? Yes

DB server host names for your home cell: afs1
# (Before continuing, make sure you've edited your DNS configuration or 
# /etc/hosts file as mentioned above in the section "Conventions", and that
# the command 'ping afs1' really does successfully ping your server)

Client AFS cache

OpenAFS cache directory on AFS clients is /var/cache/openafs/. As we've said, this includes your AFS servers too, as they will all have the AFS client software installed.

The cache directory must be on an Ext partition.

In addition, ensure to never run out of space assigned to the OpenAFS cache; OpenAFS doesn't handle the situation gracefully when its cache unexpectedly runs out of space it thought it had.

The best way to satisfy both requirements is to mount a dedicated partition onto /var/cache/openafs/, and make its size match the size of the AFS cache that was specified above.

If you have a physical partition available, create an Ext filesystem on it and add it to /etc/fstab as usual:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/my-cache-partition
sudo sh -c "echo '/dev/my-cache-partition /var/cache/openafs ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab"

If you do not have a physical partition available, you can create the partition in a file; here's an example for the size of 4 GB we've already used above for the "AFS cache size" value:

cd /var/cache
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=openafs.img bs=10M count=410   # (~4.1 GB partition)
sudo mkfs.ext4 openafs.img
sudo sh -c "echo '/var/cache/openafs.img /var/cache/openafs ext4 defaults,loop 0 2' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 -m 0 openafs.img

To verify that the Ext cache partition has been created successfully and can be mounted, run:

sudo mount /var/cache/openafs

OpenAFS server

Now that the kernel module and the AFS client are ready, we can proceed with the last step — installing the OpenAFS server.

sudo apt-get install openafs-{fileserver,dbserver}

Debconf answers for reference:

Cell this server serves files for:

That one was easy, wasn't it? Let's follow up with the configuration part to get it running:

AFS key (the Kerberos principal)

As Kerberos introduces mutual authentication of users and services, we need to create a Kerberos principal for our AFS service.

Strictly speaking, in Kerberos you would typically create one key per-host per-service, but since OpenAFS uses a single key for the entire cell, we must create just one key, and that key will be shared by all OpenAFS cell servers.

(The transcript below assumes you've set up Kerberos and the Kerberos policy named "service" as explained in the MIT Kerberos 5 guide; if you did not, set it up right now as Kerberos is a necessary prerequisite.)

sudo rm -f /tmp/afs.keytab

sudo kadmin.local

Authenticating as principal root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM with password.

kadmin.local:  addprinc -policy service -randkey afs/
Principal "afs/" created.

kadmin.local:  ktadd -k /tmp/afs.keytab -norandkey afs/
Entry for principal afs with kvno 1, encryption type aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/tmp/afs.keytab.
Entry for principal afs with kvno 1, encryption type aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/tmp/afs.keytab.

kadmin.local:  quit

Once the key's been created and exported to file /tmp/afs.keytab as shown, we need to load it into the AFS KeyFile. Note that the number "1" in the following command is the key version number, which has to match KVNO reported in the 'ktadd' step above.

sudo asetkey add rxkad_krb5 1 18 /tmp/afs.keytab afs/
sudo asetkey add rxkad_krb5 1 17 /tmp/afs.keytab afs/

::: warning If the above fails, most probably the issue is in Kerberos being too new, so you need to use OpenAFS 1.8 or later with it. It is relatively simple to use the new packages from the "testing" branch. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list, copy the first entry you find there and in the newly added lines replace the distribution name with "testing". Then run apt update. When update is done, bring all existing OpenAFS packages to new version by doing e.g. dpkg -l |grep afs | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs apt install -y. :::

To verify the key has been loaded and that there is only one key in the AFS KeyFile, run bos listkeys as shown below. Please note that this may return an empty list and report "All done", or even throw an error, when using rxkad_krb5. "bos listkeys" only supports basic rxkad (old 56-bit) DES-compatible keys, and so you can ignore the error if it happens:

sudo bos listkeys afs1 -localauth

key 1 has cksum 2035850286
Keys last changed on Tue Jun 24 14:04:02 2008.
All done.

Now that's nice!

(On a side note, you can also remove a key from they KeyFile. In case there's something wrong and you want to do that, run bos help for a list of available commands and bos help removekey for the specific command you'll want to use.)

AFS (vice) partitions

As we've hinted in the introduction, AFS works by using its own dedicated partitions. Each server can have up to 256 partitions which should be mounted to directories named /vicepXX/, where "XX" is the partition "number" going from 'a' to 'z' and from 'aa' to 'iv'.

In a simple scenario, we will have only one partition /vicepa/. While different underlying filesystems are supported, we will assume /vicepa/ has been formatted as some version of the Ext filesystem (4, 3 or 2).

The same notes as for the OpenAFS client cache directory apply — it is advisable to have /vicepa mounted as a partition, although you can get away without it.

Here's the list of the three possible setups:

1) If you have a physical partition available, create an Ext filesystem on it and add it to /etc/fstab as usual:

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/my-vice-partition
sudo sh -c "echo '/dev/my-vice-partition /vicepa ext4 defaults 0 2' >> /etc/fstab"

2) If you do not have a physical partition available, you can create the partition in a file; here's an example for the size of 10 GB:

cd /home
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=vicepa.img bs=100M count=100   # (10 GB partition)
sudo mkfs.ext4 openafs.img
sudo sh -c "echo '/home/openafs.img /vicepa ext4 defaults,loop 0 2' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 -m 0 openafs.img

To verify that the Ext vice partition has been created successfully and can be mounted, run:

sudo mkdir -p /vicepa
sudo mount /vicepa

3) If you insist on not using any partition mounted on /vicepa, that'll work too because AFS does not use its own low-level format for the partitions — it saves data to vice partitions on the file level. (As said in the introduction, that data is structured in a way meaningful only to AFS, but it is there in the filesystem, and you are able to browse around it using cd and ls).

To make OpenAFS honor and use such vice directory that is not mounted to a separate partition, create file AlwaysAttach in it:

mkdir -p /vicepa
touch /vicepa/AlwaysAttach

Creating a new cell

Now that we've installed the software components that make up the OpenAFS server and that we've taken care of the pre-configuration steps, we can create an actual AFS cell.

Edit /etc/openafs/CellServDB and add to the top:

>   #afs1

Then verify that the cache size you've entered in the previous steps is less than 95% of the total partition size. If you specified a value too large, edit /etc/openafs/cacheinfo and reduce it.

Then run afs-newcell:

sudo afs-newcell


In order to set up a new AFS cell, you must meet the following:

1) You need a working Kerberos realm with Kerberos4 support.  You
   should install Heimdal with KTH Kerberos compatibility or MIT
   Kerberos 5.

2) You need to create the single-DES AFS key and load it into
   /etc/openafs/server/KeyFile.  If your cell's name is the same as
   your Kerberos realm then create a principal called afs.  Otherwise,
   create a principal called afs/cellname in your realm.  The cell
   name should be all lower case, unlike Kerberos realms which are all
   upper case.  You can use asetkey from the openafs-krb5 package, or
   if you used AFS3 salt to create the key, the bos addkey command.

3) This machine should have a filesystem mounted on /vicepa.  If you
   do not have a free partition, then create a large file by using dd
   to extract bytes from /dev/zero.  Create a filesystem on this file
   and mount it using -oloop.

4) You will need an administrative principal created in a Kerberos
   realm.  This principal will be added to susers and
   system:administrators and thus will be able to run administrative
   commands.  Generally the user is a root or admin instance of some
   administrative user.  For example if jruser is an administrator then
   it would be reasonable to create jruser/admin (or jruser/root) and
   specify that as the user to be added in this script.

5) The AFS client must not be running on this workstation.  It will be
   at the end of this script.

Do you meet these requirements? [y/n] y

If the fileserver is not running, this may hang for 30 seconds.
/etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver stop

What administrative principal should be used? root/admin

/etc/openafs/server/CellServDB already exists, renaming to .old
/etc/init.d/openafs-fileserver start
Starting OpenAFS BOS server: bosserver.
bos adduser root -localauth

Creating initial protection database.  This will print some errors
about an id already existing and a bad ubik magic.  These errors can
be safely ignored.

pt_util: /var/lib/openafs/db/prdb.DB0: Bad UBIK_MAGIC. Is 0 should be 354545
Ubik Version is: 2.0

bos create ptserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/ptserver -localauth
bos create vlserver simple /usr/lib/openafs/vlserver -localauth
bos create dafs dafs -cmd '/usr/lib/openafs/dafileserver -p 23 -busyat 600 \
  -rxpck 400 -s 1200 -l 1200 -cb 65535 -b 240 -vc 1200' -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/davolserver \
  -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/salvageerver -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/dasalvager -localauth
bos setrestart -time never -general -localauth
Waiting for database elections: done.
vos create a root.afs -localauth
Volume 536870915 created on partition /vicepa of
/etc/init.d/openafs-client force-start
Starting AFS services: afsd.
afsd: All AFS daemons started.

Now, get tokens as root/admin in the cell. Then, run afs-rootvol to create the root volume.

Now that our AFS cell is created, remember we've said volumes are the basic units accessible by AFS clients? By convention, each AFS cell creates the first volume called root.afs.

::: note Well, strictly speaking, files in a volume can legitimately be accessed without mounting a volume. It's not as convenient, so you will almost always want to mount the volume first, but keep in mind that unmounting a volume does not equal making the files inaccessible — a volume becomes really inaccessible only if you clear its toplevel ACL. :::

According to the advice printed at the end of afs-newcell run, we need to first obtain the AFS administrator token:

sudo su # (We want to switch to the root user)

kinit root/admin

Password for root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM: PASSWORD


To verify that you hold the Kerberos ticket and AFS token, you may run the following:

klist -5f

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1116
Default principal: root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
02/09/10 17:18:18  02/10/10 03:18:18  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
renew until 02/10/10 17:18:16, Flags: FPRIA
02/09/10 17:18:18  02/10/10 03:18:18  afs/
renew until 02/10/10 17:18:16, Flags: FPRAT


Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1) rxkad tokens for [Expires Feb 10 03:18]
   --End of list--

Now, with a successful kinit and aklog in place, we can run afs-rootvol:



In order to set up the root.afs volume, you must meet the following

1) The cell must be configured, running a database server with a
   volume location and protection server.  The afs-newcell script will
   set up these services.

2) You must be logged into the cell with tokens in for a user in
   system:administrators and with a principal that is in the UserList
   file of the servers in the cell.

3) You need a fileserver in the cell with partitions mounted and a
   root.afs volume created.  Presumably, it has no volumes on it,
   although the script will work so long as nothing besides root.afs
   exists.  The afs-newcell script will set up the file server.

4) The AFS client must be running pointed at the new cell.
Do you meet these conditions? (y/n) y

You will need to select a server (hostname) and AFS partition on which to
create the root volumes.

What AFS Server should volumes be placed on? afs1
What partition? [a] a

vos create afs1 a root.cell -localauth
Volume 536870918 created on partition /vicepa of afs1
fs sa /afs system:anyuser rl
fs mkm /afs/ root.cell -cell -fast || true
fs mkm /afs/ root.cell -cell -fast || true
fs sa /afs/ system:anyuser rl
fs mkm /afs/ root.cell -cell -rw
fs mkm /afs/.root.afs root.afs -rw
vos create afs1 a user -localauth
Volume 536870921 created on partition /vicepa of afs1
fs mkm /afs/ user 
fs sa /afs/ system:anyuser rl
vos create afs1 a service -localauth
Volume 536870924 created on partition /vicepa of afs1
fs mkm /afs/ service 
fs sa /afs/ system:anyuser rl
ln -s /afs/spinlock
ln -s /afs/.spinlock
vos addsite afs1 a root.afs -localauth
Added replication site afs /vicepa for volume root.afs1
vos addsite afs1 a root.cell -localauth
Added replication site afs1 /vicepa for volume root.cell
vos release root.afs -localauth
Released volume root.afs successfully
vos release root.cell -localauth
Released volume root.cell successfully


If you remember, during the AFS installation phase, we've answered "No" to the question "Run OpenAFS client now and at boot?". AFS init script is such that it just won't run the client as long as the client startup is disabled even if you invoke sudo invoke-rc.d openafs-client start manually (you'd have to invoke sudo invoke-rc.d openafs-client force-start, but this is not what happens during regular boot).

So we have to enable the client. For older OpenAFS versions, you can do this in /etc/openafs/afs.conf.client by replacing line AFS_CLIENT=false with AFS_CLIENT=true:

sudo perl -pi -e's/^AFS_CLIENT=false/AFS_CLIENT=true/' /etc/openafs/afs.conf.client
sudo invoke-rc.d openafs-client restart

For newer versions you do this by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure openafs-client.

Now let's drop any tokens or tickets that we may have initialized, to continue with a clean slate:

unlog; kdestroy

And at this point, you've got yourself one helluva OpenAFS cell up and running!

The following sections provide some more information on OpenAFS and its usage, but your installation and configuration phases have been completed.

OpenAFS concepts

File layout

While the whole point of AFS is in accessing files from remote workstations, remember that all AFS servers are also regular AFS clients and you can use them to browse the files just as fine. So let's explain the AFS directory structure a bit and then use our just-installed machine to look at the actual contents of the /afs/ directory.

As we've hinted in Introduction, AFS uses a global namespace. That means all AFS sites are instantly accessible from /afs/ as if they were local directories, and all files have a unique AFS path. For example, file /afs/ will always be /afs/, no matter the client, operating system, local policy, connection type or geographical location.

In order to avoid clashes in this global AFS namespace, by convention, each cell's "AFS root" starts with /afs/

Beneath it, AFS automatically creates two directories, common/ and user/. The latter is where the users' home directories should go, usually hashed to two levels, such as /afs/

File listing and information

Let's list /afs/ directory contents to verify what we've just said about AFS cells and their mount points:

cd /afs

ls | head

ls | wc -l


The 189 directories were automatically created by the afs-rootvol script, but you can create additional and remove existing mount points (AFS mount points) at will.

With the above said, we can predict that AFS has created our own directory in /afs/ This directory is only visible automatically within the local cell and is not seen by the world in ls /afs listing (because you have not asked for its inclusion in the global "CellServDB" file). Its default invisibility, however, does not make it inaccessible — supposing that you have a functioning network link, and that your cell name and server hostnames are known, your cell is reachable from the Internet.

Now that we're in AFS land, we can quickly get some more AFS-specific information on /afs/

fs lsm /afs/

'/afs/' is a mount point for volume ''

fs lv /afs/

File /afs/ (536870919.1.1) contained in volume 536870919
Volume status for vid = 536870919 named root.cell.readonly
Current disk quota is 5000
Current blocks used are 4
The partition has 763818364 blocks available out of 912596444

The output above is showing a cell setup with 1 TB of AFS storage — the block size in OpenAFS is 1 KB.

::: note Most of the AFS fs subcommands operate only on directory names that do not end with a dot (".") or a slash ("/"). For example, the above fs lsm /afs/ would not work if it was called with /afs/ Likewise, it is not possible to call fs lsm . or fs lsm ./; use fs lsm $PWD for the equivalent. :::

Read and write file paths

Each time you mount a volume, you can mount it read-write or read-only.

Read-write mounts are simple — reads and writes are done through the same filesystem path, such as /afs/, and are always served by the AFS server on which the volume resides.

Read-only mounts make things interesting — volumes may have up to 8 read-only replicas and clients will retrieve files from the "best" source. However, that brings two specifics: First, as the read-only mount is read-only by definition, a different file path (prefixed with a dot), such as /afs/, must be used when access in a read-write fashion is required. Second, any change of data in the read-write tree won't show up in the read-only tree until you "release" the volume contents with the command vos release.

As said, read-write mounts are by convention prefixed by a leading dot. Let's verify this:

fs lsm /afs/

'/afs/' is a mount point for volume ''

fs lsm /afs/

'/afs/' is a mount point for volume ''

Note that prefixing read-write mounts by a dot (".") is a convention. This is not a requirement, and volumes can be mounted read-write into directories of any name.

File reading and writing

Equipped with the above information, let's visit /afs/, look around, and then try to read and write files.

cd /afs/

ls -al

total 14
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2048 2008-06-25 02:05 .
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 8192 2008-06-25 02:05 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2048 2008-06-25 02:05 service
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 2048 2008-06-25 02:05 user

echo TEST > testfile

-bash: testfile: Read-only file system

cd /afs/

echo TEST > testfile

-bash: testfile: Permission denied

Good. The first command has been denied since we were in the read-only AFS mount point. The second command has been denied since we did not obtain the Kerberos/AFS identity yet to acquire the necessary write privilege.

Now let's list access permissions (AFS ACL) for the directory, and then obtain AFS admin privileges that will allow us to write files. Note that we first establish our Kerberos identity using kinit, and then obtain the matching AFS token using aklog. Aklog obtains a token automatically and without further prompts, on the basis of the existing Kerberos ticket.

cd /afs/

fs la .

Access list for . is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:anyuser rl

kinit root/admin; aklog

Password for root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM: PASSWORD

klist -5

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: root/admin@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
06/29/08 19:38:05  06/30/08 05:38:05  krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM
        renew until 06/30/08 19:38:05
06/29/08 19:38:12  06/30/08 05:38:05  afs@EXAMPLE.COM
        renew until 06/30/08 19:38:05


Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for [Expires Jun 30 05:38]
   --End of list--

At this point, writing the file succeeds:

echo TEST > testfile

# This is to make the test file visible in the read-only trees:
vos release root.cell

cat testfile


rm testfile

Creating users

As we've seen in previous chapters, to obtain read or write privilege in AFS, you authenticate to Kerberos using kinit and then to AFS using aklog.

We're dealing with two separate authentication databases here — the Kerberos database, and the AFS "Protection Database" (PTS).

That means all users have to exist in both Kerberos and AFS if they want to access AFS data space in an authenticated fashion. The only reason we did not have to add root/admin user to AFS PTS is because this was done automatically for the admin user by the virtue of afs-newcell.

So let's add a regular AFS user. We're going to add user "<jirky>", which should already exist in Kerberos if you've followed the MIT Kerberos 5 guide, section "Creating first unprivileged principal". Make sure you hold the administrator Kerberos ticket and AFS token, and then execute:

pts createuser jirky 20000

User jirky has id 20000

You will notice that Kerberos and AFS do not require any use of sudo. (Actually, we do use sudo to invoke Kerberos' sudo kadmin.local, but that's only because we want to access the local Kerberos database directly by opening the on-disk Kerberos database file). Kerberos and AFS privileges are determined solely by tickets and tokens one has obtained, and have nothing to do with traditional Unix privileges nor are tied to certain usernames or IDs.

Creating and mounting volumes

Now that we have a regular user "<jirky>" created in both Kerberos and AFS, we want to create an AFS data volume that will correspond to this user and be "mounted" in the location of the user's home directory in AFS.

This is an established AFS practice — every user gets a separate volume, mounted in the AFS space as their home directory. Depending on specific uses, further volumes might also be created for the user and mounted somewhere under their toplevel home directory, or even somewhere else inside the cell file structure.

Make sure you still hold the administrator Kerberos ticket and AFS token, and then execute:

vos create afs1 a user.jirky 200000

Volume 536997357 created on partition /vicepa of afs1

vos examine user.jirky

user.jirky                        536997357 RW          2 K  On-line /vicepa 
    RWrite  536997357 ROnly          0 Backup          0 
    MaxQuota     200000 K 
    Creation    Sun Jun 29 18:06:43 2008
    Copy        Sun Jun 29 18:06:43 2008
    Backup      Never
    Last Update Never

    RWrite: 536997357
    number of sites -> 1
       server partition /vicepa RW Site 

Having the volume, let's mount it to a proper location. We will use a "hashed" directory structure with two sublevels, so that the person's home directory will be in /afs/ (instead of directly in user/person/). Follow this AFS convention and you will be able to use libnss-afs and 3rd party management scripts without modification.

cd /afs/

mkdir -p j/ji

fs mkm j/ji/jirky user.jirky -rw

Let's view the volume and directory information:

fs lsm j/ji/jirky

'j/ji/jirky' is a mount point for volume '%user.jirky'

fs lv j/ji/jirky

File j/ji/jirky (536997357.1.1) contained in volume 536997357
Volume status for vid = 536997357 named user.jirky
Current disk quota is 200000
Current blocks used are 2
The partition has 85448567 blocks available out of 140861236

Setting permissions

Let's view the permissions on the new directory and allow user full access:

fs la j/ji/jirky

Access list for j/ji/jirky is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka

fs sa j/ji/jirky jirky all

fs la !:2

Access list for j/ji/jirky is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  jirky rlidwka

(On a side note, the "!:2" above is a Bash construct that will insert the 3rd word from the previous line. Expanded, that line will be and execute "fs la j/ji/jirky")

Now switch to user <jirky> and verify you've got access to the designated home directory:

unlog; kdestroy

kinit jirky; aklog

Password for jirky@EXAMPLE.COM: PASSWORD

cd /afs/

echo IT WORKS > test

cat test


Volume quotas

AFS volumes have a concept of "volume quota", or the maximum amount of data a volume can hold before denying further writes with the appropriate "Quota exceeded" error. It's important to know that AFS volumes do not take a predefined amount of disk space like physical disk partitions do; you can create thousands of volumes, and they only take as much space as there is actual data on them. Likewise, AFS volume quotas are just limits that do not affect volume size except "capping" the maximum size of data a volume can store.

Let's list volume data size quota and increase it from the default 5 MB to 100 MB:

cd /afs/

fs lq

Volume Name                   Quota      Used %Used   Partition
root.cell                      5000        28    1%         38% 

fs sq . 100000

fs lq

Volume Name                   Quota      Used %Used   Partition
root.cell.readonly           100000        28    1%         38% 

Serving metadata

The material covered so far in the MIT Kerberos 5 guide and this OpenAFS guide has gotten us to a point where we can create users in Kerberos and AFS, create and mount users' data volumes, authenticate using kinit and aklog, and read and write files in the users' volumes with full permissions.

In other words, it seems as if we're a step away from our goal — a true networked and secure solution for centralized logins with exported home directories.

There's one final thing missing, and it's the support for serving user "metadata". As explained in Introduction, metadata will come from either LDAP or libnss-afs.

If you've followed and implemented the setup described in the OpenLDAP guide, you already have the metadata taken care of. However, let's revisit the whole story about metadata just for reference.

Collectively, metadata is the information traditionally found in system files /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow.

The metadata necessary for a successful user login includes four elements: Unix user ID, Unix group ID, home directory, and the desired shell.

But let's take a look at the complete list of common user metadata information. The software components which can store them are listed in parentheses:

  • Username (all)

  • Password (Kerberos or LDAP — but storing passwords in LDAP is out of our scope)

  • User ID (LDAP or libnss-afs)

  • Group ID and group membership (LDAP)

  • GECOS information (LDAP)

  • Home directory (LDAP or libnss-afs)

  • Preferred shell (LDAP or libnss-afs)

  • Group membership (LDAP)

  • Password aging (Kerberos)

You may notice that LDAP seems like a "superset" of libnss-afs. And it really is, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the situation. Here's why:

LDAP is a standalone solution that can be used to create network infrastructures based on the "magic trio" — Kerberos, LDAP, and AFS. It is flexible and can serve arbitrary user and system information besides the necessary metadata. Can you think of a few examples how this would be useful? For example, on a lower level, you could use LDAP to store extra group membership information or per-user host access information; on a higher level, you could use LDAP to store a person's image, birth date, or a shared calendar available to all users. However, this flexibility comes at a cost of administering yet another separate database (Kerberos, AFS, and LDAP all have their own databases, and you have to keep them in sync. Or Kerberos can even be configured to store its data in LDAP. Without proper tools, all this could be a burden).

libnss-afs, on the other hand, is an AFS-dependent module that serves the metadata out of the AFS PTS database. It is simple, and limited. Structure of the PTS is such that you can only save certain information in there, and nothing else. For fields that cannot be represented in PTS, libnss-afs outputs a "one size fits all" default value. For example, as there is no space for GECOS information in the PTS, everyone's GECOS is set to their username; as there is no group ID, everyone's group ID is set to group 65534 (nogroup), and as there is no home directory, everyone's homedir is set to /afs/ libnss-afs may suit those who prefer simplified administration over flexibility.

In this guide, both LDAP and libnss-afs approach will be explained. Moving from libnss-afs to LDAP is easy; if in doubt, pick libnss-afs as a simpler initial solution.

Metadata via libnss-afs

As said, libnss-afs is an AFS-dependent approach to serving metadata, so it makes sense to describe it in the context of the OpenAFS guide.

In the beginning there was Todd M. Lewis' nss_pts. That project was expanded by Frank Burkhardt into libnss-ptdb. His project was expanded by Adam Megacz into libnss-afs for use at HCoop, the first non-profit corporation offering public AFS hosting and accounts. Today, HCoop's libnss-afs repository is the right place to get libnss-afs, and it has been updated by HCoop staff to work with OpenAFS 1.8.

Good. Let's move onto the technical setup:

libnss-afs must run in combination with nscd and cache the replies from the AFS ptserver, so let's install nscd:

sudo apt-get install nscd

Once nscd is installed, edit its config file, /etc/nscd.conf to include the following:

enable-cache hosts no
persistent passwd no
persistent group no
persistent hosts  no

(Note that all of the above lines already exist in /etc/nscd.conf, although the formatting of the file is a bit strange and finding them is an exercise for your eyes. So you should not be adding the above lines in there, but just locating them in the config file and turning the appropriate "yes" to "no".)

Then, restart nscd as usual with sudo invoke-rc.d nscd restart.

libnss-afs can be cloned from the Git repository at git:// Debian package can be built and installed by cd-ing into the libnss-afs/ directory and running dpkg-buildpackage. The whole session transcript might look like this:

sudo apt-get install libopenafs-dev debhelper libkrb5-dev heimdal-multidev

git clone git://

cd libnss-afs

dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

sudo dpkg -i ../libnss-afs*deb

After libnss-afs is installed, let's modify the existing lines in /etc/nsswitch.conf to look like the following:

passwd:  afs files
group:   afs files
shadow:  files

If you have completed this setup and are are not interested in LDAP for serving metadata, you can skip to Metadata test.

Metadata via LDAP

A complete LDAP setup is explained in another article from the series, the OpenLDAP guide. If you have followed and implemented the procedure, especially the part about modifying /etc/nsswitch.conf, then there's only one thing that should be done here — you should modify users' entries in LDAP to make their home directories point to AFS instead of to /home/.

Actually, you can symlink /home/ to AFS, and then no change in LDAP will be necessary. One benefit of this approach is that /home/ looks familiar to everyone. One drawback is that you need to symlink that directory to AFS on all machines where users will be logging in.

To create the symlinks, use:

sudo mv /home /home,old
sudo ln -sf /afs/ /home
sudo ln -sf /afs/ /rhome

To literally change users' home directories in LDAP (to point to /afs/, construct a LDIF file and use ldapmodify to apply the LDIF file.

Here's an example for user jirky (which should already exist in your LDAP directory if you've followed the OpenLDAP guide guide). Save the following as /tmp/homechange.ldif:

echo "
dn: uid=jirky,ou=people,dc=spinlock,dc=hr
changetype: modify
replace: homeDirectory
homeDirectory: /afs/
" > /var/tmp/homechange.ldif

And apply using:

ldapmodify -c -x -D cn=admin,dc=spinlock,dc=hr -W -f /var/tmp/homechange.ldif

Metadata test

We are ready to test metadata retrieval:

sudo nscd -i passwd

id jirky

uid=20000(jirky) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)

getent passwd jirky


PAM configuration

The final step in this article pertains to integrating OpenAFS into the system authentication procedure. We want Kerberos ticket and OpenAFS token to be issued for users as they log in, without the need to run kinit and aklog manually after login.

Let's install the necessary OpenAFS PAM module:

sudo apt-get install libpam-afs-session

To minimize the chance of locking yourself out of the system during PAM configuration phase, ensure right now that you have at least one root terminal window open and a copy of the files available before starting on PAM configuration changes. To do so, execute the following in a cleanly started shell and leave the terminal open:

sudo su -
cd /etc
cp -a pam.d pam.d,orig

::: note If you break logins with an invalid PAM configuration, the above will allow you to simply revert to a known-good state by using the open root terminal and executing:

cp -a pam.d,orig/* pam.d/


After you've edited your PAM configuration as shown below, restart the services you will be connecting to. This isn't strictly necessary, but it ensures that the services will re-read the PAM configuration and not use any cached information.


auth    sufficient nullok_secure
auth    sufficient use_first_pass
auth    optional program=/usr/bin/aklog
auth    required


session required
session optional
session optional
session optional program=/usr/bin/aklog


At this point, you have a functional AFS site. Users, once created in the system, can log in and access their files anywhere on the network.

You can rely on either system login or manually running kinit; aklog in obtaining Kerberos ticket and AFS token.

Once the token is obtained, you can access the protected AFS data space.

With a good foundation we've built, for further information on AFS, please refer to other available resources:



GRAND.CENTRAL.ORG - community resource for users of the AFS distributed file system

Google Summer of Code

AFS projects:

Arla - alternative AFS client

Public access AFS accounts:

HCoop - Internet Hosting Cooperative

Glue layer:


PAM Configuration File Syntax



Related infrastructural technologies:

MIT Kerberos



OpenAFS support organizations

Article Collection

This article is part of the following series:

1. Infrastructure