Tag - "history"

Unix philosophy. Software tools. Simple is beautiful. DOTADIW, KISS. Minimal, simple, clear. Modular, reusable, testable, quick. Free, unrestricted, customizable.

Unix, BSD, GNU, Linux, IT. Mailing lists, TUHS, COFF, IH, RISKS. BOFH, UGU. HCoop, SDF. IRC.

Unix history. CTSS, BTS, Multics, ITS, Unix, C, BSD, Unix wars, Motif, CDE, GNU, Linux. AT&T, Bell Labs, CSRG, UCB, Sun Microsystems, Novell.

Introduction to file versioning. History of version control tools SCCS, RCS, CVS, Subversion, BitKeeper, and Git. Funny story.