Series - "unix"

Unix philosophy. Software tools. Simple is beautiful. DOTADIW, KISS. Minimal, simple, clear. Modular, reusable, testable, quick. Free, unrestricted, customizable.

Original Unix, BSD, GNU, and Linux books, papers, videos, and similar materials.

Unix, GNU/Linux and Debian GNU documentation. Where is it, how to access it. Man, info, tldr, /usr/share/doc/, TAB, IRC, RFCs, HOWTOs, FAQs, kernel docs. Quiz.

Unix, BSD, GNU, Linux, IT. Mailing lists, TUHS, COFF, IH, RISKS. BOFH, UGU. HCoop, SDF. IRC.

Unix history. CTSS, BTS, Multics, ITS, Unix, C, BSD, Unix wars, Motif, CDE, GNU, Linux. AT&T, Bell Labs, CSRG, UCB, Sun Microsystems, Novell.